What Does Lonesome With Company Mean?


Who Is Lonesome With Company

Lonesome With Company is a a folk and blues musician based out of central Indiana. Raised on the country stylings of Johnny Cash who greatly influenced his vocal style. Roots and blues music is another large influence for him with influencing artists such as Lightning Hopkins. Lonesome With Company try’s to pay homage to the great artist he was raised with as well as finding new ways to incorporate his own sound into the folk and blues landscape.

What Does Lonesome With Company Mean

Lonesome With Company was chosen as a name for a lot of reasons, primarily it describes the solo performer, Lonesome on a stage with the company of the crowd and the music he plays. It also speaks to a deeper feeling that most people have experienced at least once before.

What Kind Of Music Does Lonesome With Company Make

A blend of old time country, folk, and blues music the sound of lonesome with company is hard to pin down at least for the man himself. It appeals to both long time and new fans of the genres and focuses on trying to create old ways of saying new things.